Archive for July, 2013

Thank You

Dear readers,

In April 2011 I began chronicling my life when I came out as a gay 25 year-old man. Since then, I’ve shared some of my most intimate stories with you. Stories about love and heartbreak. Stories about one-night-stands and STDs. I’ve recounted my coming out to my family and friends and so many more.

I began using One Gay At A Time as an outlet to share my feelings. I had no idea it would blossom into an entire community of followers who shared their stories and feelings as well. That has become one of my proudest accomplishments. At its peak, One Gay At A Time drew in over 1,700 visitors in one day. While I was flattered that many people cared about what I had to say, I realized it was simply because others shared such a similar story to mine.

I hope I have been able to help my readers get through their issues knowing they were not alone, but I am no longer able to keep up with the blog. My private life has grown rather busy as you can tell from my lack of posts. I do not think myself so important that readers are still waiting on the edge of their seats after so long. I do however realize I need to be realistic and fair by telling you not to expect posts to continue.

If you are coming to this blog for the first time today, I encourage you to start from the beginning. There is a plethora of content I hope you can learn from, or at the very least, will be entertained by.

I do hope to be able to continue to use this platform in the future when my schedule allows for it, but until then I have to say so long.

I will be checking my emails as usual, so if you’d like to reach out to me directly, I welcome your emails, and I will respond in a timely fashion.

Thank you for your time and dedication.

Much love,
